Field number search help

Simple search

Type any search terms (taxon, place). Terms containing digits are treated as fieldnumbers, other words are searched as taxon and place names.

The “*” in queryes matches any string. Examples:

fenestr*Fenestraria, fenestrata, fenestratum, fenestrifera
*fenestrat*fenestratum, fenestrata, subfenestrata, subfenestratum


Advanced search

Fill any of the fields for search:

Field number
Type here one field number. Asterisk “*” means “any number” in this field, for example: C*B will match all Cole's numbers that has “B” suffix (C36B, C142B etc.). Examples: LAV15459, 23, or PV192A.
Some words (or part of words) that designate taxon, for example, Cono* *fenestr*.
Some words (or part of words) that designate origin, e.g. Sargdeck*.

Please, note that only 25 search results are returned, so you may have to refine your search.


The database was created by members of MESEMBS group and used with permission.

Note also that the database was created from various sources (price-lists, books) that sometimes provide conflicting data or data with different detail. Field numbers with several sources are marked as links, and if you follow the link you will see all definitions of this numbers. (Try searching compactus canus or Conophytum caroli).